List Of Registered Psychologists

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The Register of the Saskatchewan College of Psychologists (below) is a list of all psychologists registered in Saskatchewan. In order for a person to be registered with the SCP, the psychologist must have met the educational, supervised experience and examination requirements of the College (see Registration section on this web site for more details). An explanation of the Register headings is provided below.

Educational Designation

In Saskatchewan a person can be registered at a Masters or Doctoral level. Educational designations beginning with M. (e.g. M. Ed. or M. A. or M. Sc.) indicate that the psychologist has a Masters degree. Educational designations of Ph.D., Psy.D. or Ed.D. indicate that the psychologist has a doctorate. The degree listed is the highest degree achieved in the field of psychology earned from an accredited university, and used for the purpose of satisfying registration requirements.

Types of Practice

There are also different types of practice. A non-practising member (NP) is someone who is not actively working as a psychologist. A full-practising (FP) member is able to practise without supervision or any other restrictions. A provisional practice (PP) member has been granted a provisional license to practise until they complete the remaining requirements of registration, which is most often additional supervised experience.

Authorized Practice Endorsement (APE)

An Authorized Practice Endorsement (APE) is required to communicate a psychological diagnosis in Saskatchewan. “Yes” under APE indicates that the psychologist has been approved by the College to make diagnoses. “NO” indicates that the psychologist does not have this approval.

This list was last revised on Jan 17, 2025. If you have additional questions about the register, please contact the SCP office directly.
** Please refer to Discipline Decisions here

Register of the Saskatchewan College of Psychologists

A PDF version of the Register is also available for downloading and printing.


Name Degree Type1 APE2

Abrams Murray Ph.D. FP Yes
Ackbar U. Salma Ph.D. FP Yes
Acton Bryan Ph.D. FP Yes
Adam Brittani M.Ed. PP NO
Adams Lebell Megan M.Ed. FP Yes
Adelman Stacey M.Ed. FP Yes
Aghamohseni Fahimeh M.Ed. FP Yes
Allen Krista M.Ed. FP Yes
Alphonso Carole M.Ed. FP Yes
Ambrose Jeannette M.Ed. FP Yes
Amos Judith M.A. NP NO
An Phuong M.Ed. FP Yes
Andrie Sarah M.Ed. FP Yes
Anstey Bernell M.Ed. FP Yes
Anstey Hannah Ph.D. PP NO
Arbuthnott Alexis Ph.D. FP Yes
Armitage Jacqueline M.Ed. FP Yes
Arnold W James Ph.D. FP Yes
Arnot Linda M.Ed. FP Yes
Asmundson Gordon Ph.D. FP Yes
Avey Milo M.Sc. PP NO

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Babcock Dana M.Ed. FP Yes
Backman Selena M.C. FP Yes
Baker Meaghan M.Ed. FP Yes
Barker Conor Ph.D. FP Yes
Barnabas Ida Ph.D. FP Yes
Barnstable Jill M.C. FP NO
Beaton Page M.Ed. FP Yes
Beattie Jennifer M.Sc. FP NO
Beck Cynthia M.Sc. PP NO
Beech Lorna M.Ed. FP NO
Belgaumkar Anu M.Ed. FP NO
Bell Garry Ph.D. FP Yes
Bellows Kristin M.Ed. FP Yes
Bellrose Sheila M.Ed. FP Yes
Bender Jody M.Ed. FP Yes
Bentley Wendy M.Ed. FP Yes
Berard Nathalie Ph.D. FP Yes
Berg Donald M.Ed. FP Yes
Berg-Kolody Lisa Ph.D. FP Yes
Berry Jared M.Ed. PP NO
Beshai Shadi Ph.D. FP Yes
Bidwell Noelle M.Ed. FP Yes
Bilkhu Marya M.Ed. FP Yes
Blais France M.Psy. FP Yes
Block Gerald Ph.D. FP Yes
Blum Charlene M.Ed. FP Yes
Bodnarchuk Diane M.Ed. FP NO
Bonli Rupal Ph.D. FP Yes
Bote Cindy M.C. FP Yes
Boughner Emily Ph.D. FP Yes
Bourgault-Fagnou Michelle Ph.D. FP Yes
Boyle Deirdre M.A. FP Yes
Braden Jennifer M.Ed. FP Yes
Bradley Marie M.Ed. FP Yes
Braithwaite Stacey M.Ed. FP Yes
Brass Elisabeth Ph.D. FP Yes
Braun Daina M.Ed. PP NO
Brazier Bette Ph.D. FP Yes
Bremner Dawn Ph.D. FP Yes
Bresciani Emily M.Ed. FP Yes
Bright Wendy M.A. FP NO
Brock Susan Ph.D. FP Yes
Brodie Karen M.Ed. NP NO
Bruce Mark M.Ed. FP Yes
Brummelhuis Cynthia M.Ed. FP NO
Bulitz Deborah M.Ed. FP Yes
Burdan Evan M.A. FP Yes
Burnett Jody Ph.D. FP NO
Burton Rachel Ph.D. FP Yes
Burton Steven M.Sc. FP Yes
Buttinger Nancy M.C. FP NO
Buttinger Pamela M.Ed. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Calhoon Kellsey M.Ed. FP Yes
Campbell Alison M.Ed. FP Yes
Campbell Mary M.Ed. FP Yes
Campbell Sydney M.C. PP NO
Cannon Colleen Ph.D. FP NO
Carleton R. Nicholas Ph.D. FP Yes
Carlson Lorri-Ann M.A. FP Yes
Carlson Torie Ph.D. FP NO
Carverhill Philip Ph.D. FP Yes
Cavanaugh Patricia M.A. FP NO
Cey Emma M.Ed. FP Yes
Chalmers Jennifer Psy.D. FP Yes
Chang Cassandra M.Ed. PP NO
Chang Jeffrey Ph.D. FP NO
Chartier Brian Ph.D. FP Yes
Cherniak Michelle M.Sc. FP Yes
Chomos Chelsea M.Ed. FP Yes
Clarke Allyson Ph.D. FP Yes
Clarke Pamela Ph.D. FP Yes
Clayards Heidi M.Ed. FP Yes
Claypool Timothy Ph.D. FP Yes
Cochran Kathryn M.Ed. FP Yes
Cochrane Krista M.Ed. FP Yes
Collevy Kristin M.Ed. FP Yes
Colp S. (Mitchell) Ph.D. FP Yes
Coltea Cosmin Psy.D. FP Yes
Conan Michelle Ph.D. FP Yes
Corbett Lynn Ph.D. FP Yes
Corbin Dwyer Sonya Ph.D. NP NO
Cornelius Larisa Ph.D. FP Yes
Cornish Peter Ph.D. FP Yes
Couture Jessica M.Ed. FP NO
Crittenden Jaezila M.Ed. PP NO
Crossley Margaret Ph.D. NP NO
Crump Lyndsay Ph.D. FP NO
Cummings Jorden Ph.D. FP Yes
Currie Catherine M.Ed. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

D'Sena Vandana M.C. FP Yes
Daghfal Azzi Ingrid M.A. FP Yes
Dangas Olivia M.Ed. FP NO
Danger Stephanie M.Ed. FP Yes
Daniels Therese Ph.D. FP Yes
Dare-Ojo Kanyinsola M.Sc. PP NO
Davidson-Hove M. Elizabeth M.Ed. FP Yes
Davis Darrell Ph.D. FP Yes
Davison Mischa M.Ed. FP Yes
Delparte Chelsea Ph.D. FP Yes
Derow Melissa M.Sc. FP Yes
DeRozea Cynthia M.A. FP NO
DeSorcy Danielle Ph.D. FP Yes
Dhand Anurag M.Ed. FP Yes
Dimen Christine M.Ed. FP Yes
Doka Hollie M.Ed. FP Yes
Driedger Vanessa M.C. FP Yes
Driediger Theresa M.A. FP Yes
Duberry Myron M.A. FP Yes
Dumitrescu Cristina M.Ed. FP Yes
Duncombe Gail M.Ed. FP Yes
Dunlop Wanetta M.Ed. FP Yes
Duret Kimberly M.C. PP NO
Dusterbeck-Colhoun Tammy M.Ed. FP Yes
Dziaduck Miranda M.C. NP NO

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Eamon Karen Ph.D. FP Yes
Eaton Carole M.A. NP NO
Eddy Kali M.Ed. FP Yes
Edmonds Michael Ph.D. PP NO
Elliott Katherine Ph.D. FP Yes
Ellis Amanda M.Ed. FP Yes
Ellis Janna M.Ed. FP Yes
Endsin Stefan M.Ed. FP Yes
Ennis Liam Ph.D. FP Yes
Eritz Heather Ph.D. FP Yes
Erker Linda M.Ed. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Faith Sari M.A. FP NO
Faller Yvonne Ph.D. FP Yes
Farthing Frederick M.Ed. FP NO
Farthing Gerald Ph.D. FP Yes
Fedak Stephanie M.Ed. FP Yes
Fehr Teresa M.Ed. FP NO
Ferguson Tammy M.Sc. FP Yes
Fetzner Mathew Ph.D. FP Yes
Fiissel Bree Ph.D. FP Yes
Finlayson Dorothy M.Ed. NP NO
Finlayson Robin M.Ed. FP Yes
Fletcher Mary Lou M.Ed. FP NO
Flood Mona M.A. FP Yes
Focht Cindy M.Ed. FP Yes
Foster Lyndsay Ph.D. FP Yes
Fotheringham Janine M.Ed. FP Yes
Fountain Jennifer M.Ed. FP NO
Fournier Amelie Ph.D. FP Yes
Frederick Joanne M.A. FP Yes
Friedrich Trista Ph.D. FP Yes
Friesen Sarah M.Ed. FP Yes
Froese Alexandra M.Ed. FP Yes
Fuchs-Lacelle Shannon Ph.D. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Gagnon Michelle Ph.D. FP Yes
Gall Lana M.Ed. PP NO
Gallant Natasha Ph.D. FP Yes
Garcea Laurie M.Ed. FP Yes
Garratt Tara M.A. FP Yes
Gaylor Lisa M.Ed. FP Yes
Gee Melissa M.C. PP NO
Gibb Maia M.Ed. FP Yes
Gilleta Karen Ph.D. FP Yes
Glasier Willow M.A. FP NO
Gomersall Stephanie M.Ed. PP NO
Gordon Audrey M.Ed. FP Yes
Gordon Jennifer Ph.D. FP Yes
Gorham Kourtney M.Ed. PP NO
Gorrie David M.Ed. NP NO
Gough Rhonda M.Ed. FP NO
Govender Saxon Ph.D. FP Yes
Graham Holly Ph.D. FP NO
Graves Bryanna M.A. PP NO
Gray Christina Ph.D. FP Yes
Greenough Sally M.Ed. FP Yes
Grenier Valerie M.A. FP NO
Gryba Paige M.Ed. FP NO
Gueguen-Nielsen Nina M.Ed. FP Yes
Gullickson Kirsten Ph.D. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Hack Brennan M.Ed. FP Yes
Hadjistavropoulos Heather Ph.D. FP Yes
Hadjistavropoulos Thomas Ph.D. FP Yes
Hall May M.Ed. PP NO
Hammel-Kampus Frances M.Ed. FP Yes
Hammond Brooklyn M.Ed. PP NO
Hampton Amy Ph.D. FP Yes
Hancock Linda Psy.D. FP Yes
Hanna Pamela M.Ed. FP Yes
Hansen Lis M.Ed. FP Yes
Hardenne Tanya M.Ed. FP Yes
Harding Val Ph.D. FP Yes
Hare Chandra M.Ed. PP NO
Harker Katelyn Ph.D. FP Yes
Harkness Lorrie Anne M.Ed. FP Yes
Harnaha Beverley M.Ed. FP Yes
Harris Erin M.C. FP NO
Hart Regan Ph.D. FP Yes
Hawkins Krystal M.Ed. FP Yes
Hay Deborah Ph.D. FP Yes
Hayes Josephson Heather M.Ed. FP Yes
Heintz Murray M.C. FP Yes
Helmer D'Arcy Ph.D. FP Yes
Helmsing Joan M.Ed. FP Yes
Hengen Shelley M.Ed. FP Yes
Heshka Jeffrey M.Sc. FP Yes
Hicks Carrie Ph.D. FP Yes
Hildebrandt Carla M.Ed. FP Yes
Hill Kerri M.Ed. FP Yes
Hill Teresa M.Ed. FP Yes
Hillis Sarah Ph.D. FP Yes
Hlewka Meagan M.Ed. PP NO
Hoffart Lisa M.C. FP NO
Hoiseth Derek M.Ed. FP Yes
Hootz Terra M.Ed. FP Yes
Hopfner Yumi Ph.D. FP Yes
Hordichuk Amanda M.Ed. FP NO
Horswill Samantha Ph.D. FP Yes
Hounjet Jacqueline M.Ed. FP NO
Hovanak Alexis M.Ed. PP NO
Howard Ashley M.A. NP NO
Hunt Chantalle M.A. FP Yes
Hunt Christy M.Sc. FP Yes
Hunter Paulette Ph.D. FP Yes
Hurst Susan Ph.D. FP Yes
Hussini Salah   NP NO
Huyghebaert Holly M.Ed. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Ip Sau Mei Ph.D. NP NO
Iversen Sharleen M.Ed. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Jackson David Ph.D. FP Yes
Jackson Nicholas M.C. FP Yes
Jacobson Stephen M.A. FP Yes
James Shamus M.Ed. FP Yes
Janzen-Claude J. Amy Ph.D. FP Yes
Jardine Brenda M.Ed. FP NO
Javed Nayyar M.Ed. FP NO
Jeancart Heather M.Ed. FP Yes
Jedlinski Stacey M.A. FP NO
Johnson Randy Ph.D. FP NO
Johnson Tanya M.Ed. FP Yes
Jordan Jason M.Ed. NP NO
Jurgens Douglas Ph.D. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Kambeitz Jolee M.Ed. FP Yes
Kappler Stephan Psy.D. FP Yes
Kaufmann Amy M.Ed. NP NO
Kaye Lyle M.Ed. PP NO
Keele A. Ross M.Ed. FP Yes
Kees Jennifer M.Ed. FP NO
Keller Sarah M.Ed. PP NO
Kemp-Koo Debra Ph.D. FP Yes
Kempton-Doane Gina M.Ed. FP Yes
Kennedy Alisha M.C. PP NO
Kenny Therese Ph.D. FP Yes
Kinzel Audrey Ph.D. FP Yes
Kirk Robert M.A. FP Yes
Kitz Karen M.Ed. FP Yes
Klatt Amber M.Ed. FP NO
Kleisinger Carmel M.A. FP Yes
Klippenstine Kent Psy.D. FP Yes
Kluger Joseph Ph.D. FP Yes
Kluk Alyssa M.Ed. NP NO
Knight Diane M.Ed. FP NO
Knorr Lyndsay M.Ed. FP Yes
Koch Linsey M.Sc. FP Yes
Korczak Pamela M.Ed. FP Yes
Kotylak Marley Ed.S. FP Yes
Kovach Erica M.Ed. FP NO
Krammer Randall M.Ed. FP Yes
Kroeger Catherine M.Ed. FP NO
Kruger Holly M.Ed. FP Yes
Kuntz Jennifer M.Ed. PP NO
Kurtenbach Tyson Ph.D. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Labatt Amanda M.Ed. FP Yes
Labuik Tara M.Ed. FP Yes
Lalonde Gisele M.Ed. FP Yes
Lalonde Rebecca M.Ed. NP Yes
Lamborn Paige Ph.D. FP Yes
Lamontagne Randine M.Ed. FP Yes
Landry-Dixon Marissa M.Ed. FP NO
Lane Beverley M.Ed. FP Yes
Langen Emily M.Ed. PP NO
Larrea Fernando M.Sc. FP Yes
Lebell Richard Ph.D. FP NO
Lee Rori M.Ed. FP Yes
Leffler Marissa M.Ed. FP Yes
Lehman Tannis M.Ed. FP Yes
Leis Timothy Ph.D. FP Yes
Leitner Joanne M.Ed. FP Yes
Lejbak Lisa Ph.D. FP Yes
Leland Jacqueline M.Psy. FP NO
Lento Nicole M.Sc. PP NO
Leonard Warren M.A. PP NO
Letendre Laurissa M.Ed. FP Yes
Levitt Terry Ph.D. FP Yes
Lewis (John) Dufton Ph.D. FP Yes
Lingenfelter Sacha M.C. FP Yes
Litke Karen Ph.D. FP Yes
Lorenz Bryan M.C. FP NO
Loutzenhiser Lynn Ph.D. FP Yes
Lovatt Kristine Ph.D. NP NO
Lyons Wanda Ph.D. NP NO
Lysitza-Malischewski Shelby M.Ed. PP NO

Name Degree Type1 APE2

MacDonald Debra M.Ed. FP Yes
MacDonald Robert M.A. FP Yes
MacGregor Michael Ph.D. NP NO
MacKinnon Kimberly M.Ed. NP NO
MacLean Marilyn M.Ed. FP Yes
MacSorley Rachelle M.Ed. FP Yes
Magee Erin M.Ed. NP NO
Maile Jordan Ph.D. FP NO
Makwana Nitin   PP NO
Makwana Nitin Psy.D. FP NO
Man Zhijie (Laura) M.Ed. PP NO
Markwart Lori M.A. FP Yes
Martin Erin M.Ed. PP NO
Martin Ronald Ph.D. FP Yes
Martin Stephanie Ph.D. FP Yes
Mason Julia Ph.D. FP Yes
Mathur Apurva Ph.D. PP NO
May-Melin E. Gail M.Ed. FP Yes
Mazenc Katherine Ph.D. FP Yes
Mazur Jennifer Ph.D. FP Yes
McAleer Lana M.Ed. FP NO
McAllister Jennifer M.Ed. FP Yes
McCaw Matthew M.Ed. FP Yes
McConnell Chelsea M.Ed. FP Yes
McCormick Lila Ph.D. FP Yes
McDonald Brian M.Ed. FP Yes
McElheran Megan Psy.D. FP Yes
McFadyen Cindy M.Ed. FP Yes
McFadyen Danielle M.C. FP NO
McGinnis Angela Ph.D. PP NO
McGrath Elizabeth M.A. FP Yes
McGuire Lawrence M.Ed. FP Yes
McKay-McNabb Kim Ph.D. PP NO
McKenney Deanne M.Ed. FP Yes
McLellan Joelle Ph.D. NP NO
McMurtry Bruce Ph.D. FP Yes
McWilliams Lachlan A.J. Ph.D. FP Yes
Mead Teresa M.A. PP NO
Mercado Annalyn Ph.D. FP Yes
Messer-Engel Karen M.A. NP NO
Michalchuk Sara M.Ed. FP Yes
Michalko Kelly M.Ed. FP Yes
Milani Marco M.A. PP NO
Mirwald Samantha M.Ed. NP NO
Molloy Caitlin M.Ed. PP NO
Monks-Janzen Wendy M.C. PP NO
Monteiro Kaitlyn M.Ed. PP NO
Moon-Wozney Paula M.Ed. FP Yes
Morhart Christa M.Ed. FP NO
Moriarty Kristy M.C. PP NO
Morphy Fran M.Ed. PP NO
Mulvogue Myriah M.A. FP Yes
Murray Maureen M.A. FP Yes
Musey Kerry M.C. PP NO
Mustafaeva Shahlo Ph.D. FP Yes
Myburgh John-Etienne M.Ed. FP Yes
Myszczyszyn Debbie M.A. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Nadon Susan Ph.D. FP Yes
Negere-Wong Rachel M.Ed. FP Yes
Neill Calum M.Ed. PP NO
Nelson Monty Ph.D. FP Yes
Nesbitt Jessie M.Ed. FP Yes
Nesbitt Kendra M.Ed. FP Yes
Neufeld Sharon M.Ed. FP NO
Newton Brendan M.Ed. FP Yes
Nicholaichuk Terry Ph.D. NP NO
Nickel Timothy M.Ed. FP NO
Nostbakken Andrea M.Ed. FP Yes
Novak Kelcie M.Ed. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

O'Brodovich M. Kate M.Ed. NP NO
O'Connell Megan Ph.D. FP Yes
O'Quinn Alanna M.Ed. FP Yes
Okorie I. Pascal M.Sc. FP NO
Olson Pamela M.A. FP Yes
Olson Trevor Ph.D. FP Yes
Olver Mark Ph.D. FP Yes
Osberg Jennifer M.Ed. FP Yes
Ouellette Julia M.Ed. FP Yes
Owens Katherine Ph.D. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Padar Ryan M.A. FP NO
Pagan Sarah M.C. FP Yes
Pancyr Glenn Ph.D. FP Yes
Panko Joey M.Ed. FP Yes
Pappas D. James Ph.D. FP NO
Parley Judy M.Ed. FP Yes
Parmashwar Patricia M.A. NP NO
Pawlovich Carey Jill M.Ed. NP NO
Peebles Jason Ph.D. FP Yes
Pellerin Cynthia M.Ed. FP NO
Pelletier Colette Ph.D. FP NO
Peplinskie Katy Ed.D. FP Yes
Petrakos Christianna M.Ed. FP NO
Petterson Sara M.Ed. NP NO
Phillips Dawn Ph.D. FP Yes
Phillips Laurel M.A. FP Yes
Phillips Maggie Ph.D. FP Yes
Phillips Rachelle M.C. FP NO
Pierce Derek M.C. FP Yes
Pitariu Gabriela Ph.D. FP Yes
Pleydon Anne Ph.D. FP Yes
Podetz Stacy Psy.D. FP Yes
Podjan Patricia M.Ed. FP Yes
Pokol Jenna M.Ed. FP NO
Polvi Natalie Ph.D. FP Yes
Poock Jocelyn Ph.D. FP Yes
Powell Cindy M.Ed. PP NO
Prefontaine Amber M.Ed. FP Yes
Pringle-Nelson Coralee M.Ed. FP Yes
Puchala Chassidy Ph.D. FP Yes
Pyle Nathan Ph.D. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Quaale Rebecca M.Ed. FP Yes
Quine Allisson Ph.D. FP Yes
Quinlan Colleen M.A. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Ralston Margaret Ph.D. NP NO
Rapley Sherry M.A. FP Yes
Reekie Dustin M.Ed. FP NO
Reid Gregory M.Ed. FP Yes
Reid Ian M.Ed. FP Yes
Reid-Shea Theresa M.Ed. FP Yes
Reiser Sarah Ph.D. FP Yes
Reitsma (Benjamin) Tyler Psy.D. PP NO
Rhinas-Helberg Jacqueline M.Ed. FP Yes
Richards Jai M.A. FP Yes
Ritchie Lesley Ph.D. FP Yes
Robertson Lindsay Ph.D. FP Yes
Robertson Lloyd Ph.D. FP Yes
Robinson Thomas Ph.D. FP Yes
Rock Kimberly M.C. FP NO
Rogers-de Jong Marnie Ph.D. FP Yes
Rojas Erika Ph.D. FP Yes
Rosnau Scott M.Ed. FP Yes
Ross Graham Ph.D. FP Yes
Roy Renee Psy.D. FP Yes
Rozon Danielle M.Ed. FP Yes
Rutten-James Myrina M.Ed. PP NO

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Sacher Sean M.Ed. FP Yes
Saelhof Jileon M.Ed. FP Yes
Safnuk Tania Ph.D. FP Yes
Salerno Fabio M.A. FP Yes
Sanderson Barbara M.Ed. NP NO
Saul Wanda M.C. FP Yes
Savage June M.Ed. FP Yes
Savoie Dallas Ph.D. FP Yes
Scerbe Andrea Ph.D. FP Yes
Schaffer Katie M.Ed. FP Yes
Scheffler Gary M.Ed. FP NO
Schellenberg Daniel Psy.D. FP Yes
Schindelka Danaka M.A. FP Yes
Schlapkohl Wayne Ph.D. NP NO
Schmidt Renee Ph.D. FP Yes
Schnell Doris M.A. NP NO
Schoenroth Natashia M.Ed. FP Yes
Schwartz Colin M.Ed. FP Yes
Schwindt Deanna M.Ed. PP NO
Scott Christina M.Ed. FP Yes
Scott Jeffrey M.Ed. FP NO
Scott Shawna Ph.D. FP Yes
Scratch Cynthia M.A. FP Yes
Sebastien Jolene M.Ed. FP Yes
Selanders Katelyn M.Ed. FP Yes
Seymour Berkley M.Ed. FP Yes
Sharp Maegan Ph.D. FP Yes
Shaw Michelle Ph.D. FP Yes
Shebelski (McMillan) Katherine A. Ph.D. FP Yes
Sheckter Marc Ph.D. FP Yes
Shepel Lawrence Ph.D. FP Yes
Shercliffe Regan Ph.D. FP Yes
Shimp Lana Ph.D. FP Yes
Shortt Ari Ph.D. PP NO
Shymkiw Joanne M.A. FP Yes
Simon Jolissa M.Ed. PP NO
Sinclair Robyn M.C. FP Yes
Singleton Christopher Psy.D. FP Yes
Sirup Blair M.Ed. FP Yes
Smith Krista M.Ed. FP Yes
Smith Bringsli Nicole M.Sc. FP NO
Sojonky Todd Ph.D. FP NO
Solomon Marilena Psy.D. NP NO
Sothmann Frances M.A. FP NO
Southern Shayna M.C. PP NO
Sowden Justina Ph.D. FP Yes
Spagrud Lara Ph.D. FP Yes
Spark Carol M.Ed. FP Yes
Spice Kerry M.Ed. FP Yes
Springer Crystal M.A. FP Yes
Stacey Adam Psy.D. FP Yes
Stadnyk Bobbi Ph.D. FP Yes
Stansfield Dylan M.Ed. FP NO
Steele Alison M.C. FP Yes
Stensrud Amy M.Ed. FP Yes
Stephenson Robert M.A. FP Yes
Stevens Gregory Ph.D. FP Yes
Stockdale Fern Ph.D. FP Yes
Stockdale Keira Ph.D. FP Yes
Storey Katherine M.A. FP Yes
Strong Vanessa Psy.D. FP Yes
Stusick Erin M.Ed. FP NO
Suchan Victoria Ph.D. FP Yes
Sullivan Kathleen M.Ed. NP NO
Sumi Mamani Paula M.Ed. PP NO
Sutherland Kristina M.Ed. FP Yes
Suurkivi Marilee M.Ed. FP NO
Switzer Heather Ph.D. FP Yes
Szuch Shantelle M.Sc. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Tamaki Shelley M.Ed. FP Yes
Tarko Christina M.Ed. FP Yes
Taylor Laura Ph.D. FP NO
Taylor Stacy M.Ed. FP Yes
Teale Sapach Michelle Ph.D. FP Yes
Thacker Cheryl M.Ed. FP Yes
Thauberger Linda M.Ed. FP Yes
Thiemann Tara M.Ed. FP NO
Tholl Linda M.A. NP NO
Thompson Maureen M.A. FP Yes
Thomson Erica M.Ed. FP Yes
Thorisdottir Audur Ph.D. FP Yes
Thorpe Angela M.Ed. FP Yes
Thorpe Kathleen M.Ed. FP Yes
Todd Karen Ph.D. FP Yes
Toews Kelsi Ph.D. FP Yes
Tomes Heather M.Ed. FP Yes
Tomini Brenda Ph.D. FP NO
Tonner Candace M.A. PP NO
Torrens Donna Ph.D. FP Yes
Tosney Elizabeth M.Ed. FP NO
Touyeh Fariba M.Psy. FP Yes
Traquair H. Morgan M.A. FP NO
Tunney Kevin M.Ed. FP Yes
Turner Christopher M.Sc. FP Yes
Tuttle Megan Ph.D. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Unsworth Sinead Ph.D. FP Yes
Unterschute Kimberley M.Ed. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Vaagen Nicole M.Ed. FP Yes
van den Berg Pieter Psy.D. FP Yes
Vanchu Taylor M.Ed. PP NO
Veeraswamy Veera Balaji Kumar Ph.D. PP NO
Viczko Aaryn M.A. NP NO
Viklund Ashley M.A. FP Yes
Vrbancic Mirna Ph.D. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Wade-Cummings Richard M.Ed. PP NO
Walker Chantel M.Ed. FP Yes
Walker Kirstie Ph.D. FP Yes
Walker Maureen L. M.Ed. FP NO
Walker Patricia M.Ed. FP NO
Wallis Rebecca M.Ed. FP Yes
Weber Shannon M.A. FP Yes
Weeding Bethan M.Ed. PP NO
Wells Rebecca Ph.D. FP Yes
Wenaus Ila M.Ed. FP NO
West-Johnson David Ph.D. FP Yes
Westermann Marie-Josee M.C. NP NO
White Michael Ph.D. FP Yes
Widdifield-Konkin Leslie M.Ed. FP Yes
Wiebe Angela M.Ed. FP NO
Wiebe MacNab Joni M.Ed. FP Yes
Wilhelm R. Leonard Ph.D. FP Yes
Williams Brett M.Ed. FP NO
Williams Catherine M.Ed. FP Yes
Williams Jaime Ph.D. FP Yes
Williams Janet M.Ed. FP Yes
Williams Uzma MACP FP Yes
Williamson Danielle M.C. FP Yes
Willick Myrna Ph.D. FP Yes
Wilson Alana M.Ed. FP Yes
Wilson Laurene Ph.D. NP NO
Wilson Samantha Ph.D. FP Yes
Wilson Sarah M.Ed. FP Yes
Winslow Tessa M.Ed. FP Yes
Witzel Wendy M.Ed. NP NO
Wong Stanley M.A. FP NO
Wood Megan M.Ed. FP Yes
Woods Meghan Ph.D. FP Yes
Wotherspoon Karen M.Ed. FP NO
Wright Judith M.Ed. FP Yes
Wright Kristi Ph.D. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Yates Pamela Ph.D. NP NO
Ylioja Shelley Ph.D. FP Yes
Yonan Jesay M.C. FP Yes
Young Leslie M.Ed. FP Yes
Youngman Nicole M.Ed. FP Yes

Name Degree Type1 APE2

Zaharia Marilee Ph.D. FP Yes
Zaluski Selina Ph.D. FP Yes
1 NP: non-practising member, someone not actively working as a psychologist

FP: full-practising member, able to practise without supervision or any other restrictions

PP: provisional practice member, has been granted a provisional license to practise until they complete the remaining requirements of registration, which is most often additional supervised experience

2 Yes: the psychologist has been approved by the College to make diagnoses
NO: the psychologist does not have this approval
This list was last revised in January 2025. If you have additional questions about the register, please contact the SCP office directly.
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